Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The L Word

Today's blog is short...to the point. But it requires audience participation. So here goes...

What do you want to know about lesbians?

(BTW, I'm asking this question to gather ideas for a research project I'm doing, so please use this as a platform for open learning and teaching. Let's get an intelligent conversation started.)


Unknown said...

Although I’ve wondered at the purpose of strap ons….if an individual wants penetration why not get it from the sex born w/ the equipment?

Oh oh….what’s up w/ a chick partnering up w/ a dudish type chick….if you want a masculine person once again why not deal w/ a dude?

Terrence said...

Honestly I would like to know the social aspects of being a lesbian. I.E. how they interact with each other and the rest of society.

Dave said...

When it comes to the - eh hem - intimate experience, I'm big on "unified pleasure", as opposed to monopolizing the experience. How does that apply with lesbians?