Sometimes relationships get ill….
That infamous line from The Roots, featuring Erykah Badu, is so simple, yet emits so much power. I’ve had my fair share of relationship drama, downfalls, and disasters, so if you’ve been through it, chances are I have as well. Why is it so easy to look into another person’s situation and analyze and break it down to its lowest common denominator, while it’s virtually impossible to look at your own and do the same?
I used to be single. I used to be selfish. I used to expect to remain that way for life. Now that has all changed. The possibility of marriage. The probability of offspring. The spending life together. The sharing of everything that used to be Mine. Where the ME was the forefront of my concerns, the WE has taken over. But at a moment’s notice, we could decide to end it all.
How do you know whether or not “me time” is actually, me minus you for the rest of my life time?
Baby don’t worry, you know that you got me….
Until next time…
That's a tough question. Some say your gut never lies. Some say your heart can never steer you wrong. Others say to just put all your chips on the table, flip over the cards and hope you went "All In" on the right hand. If not, there's always other tables to sit down at.
In order for anything to matter, you have to be willing to give enough of yourself to make losing your significant other matter. If not, the answer to your question is insignificant. To quote Robin Williams in "Good Will Hunting", "Real loss is only possible when you love something more than you love yourself."
Thank God you put that second paragraph there...cuz you lost me in the first half.
"Real loss is only possible when you love something more than you love yourself."
That's deep.
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