Hello. Goodbye. The End.
My fundamental approach to most things are that the beginning and the ending are most important aspects of the "it". I'm good at both. When the middle comes into play, I usually like to run and hide. Or at least just take a nap. But for this blogging endeavor, I'll make an attempt to stick it out and create some juicy, interesting, "middle" for you all.
Let me start out by introducing myself. You can call me "G", No last name, like Madonna...and I'm out here just trying to savor my piece of the pie... well more like find it, bake it, then savor it. And anyone who has baked a pie, or slaved over a hot stove, or done anything remotely close to trying to make something edible out of things you find in a kitchen know how taxing it can be.
My intention in creating this blog is to open up my psyche for all the world (or just you) to see and hopefully find that I'm not the only one teetering on the brink of total psychological spontaneous combustion. I hope to connect with individuals who kneel before Fortuna in hopes that at the spin of her wheel, prosperity will be laid out ahead of us at the end of the red carpet.... or yellow brick road...whichever suits your fancy.
Well kids, I shall be off to go experience life. Lets see what life will return for tomorrow's viewing pleasure...
Until then!
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